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At Sequoia Worship Center 

"We really want you to know Him"

"Do you want to be saved?"  "YES," they cry . . . . "Do you want Jesus?"  "YES," they cry . . . . "Are you willing to make Him your Lord and Savior?" "Well, um, I'm not so sure about that.  All I really wanted was FIRE INSURANCE!"  "Okay then, just say this little salvation prayer and repeat after me!  Yahoo, you're saved!  You've got Fire Insurance"!  THAT TEACHING IS FALSE DOCTRINE! It's not unusual for many churches today to lead you to believe that it's that simple, and that's all there is to it!  Just say the prayer and that's all you must do in order to have eternal life. This is false teaching, and very dangerous!  The true salvation experience is not a fire insurance policy as many think.






What is it that I need redeeming from, and why do I need a Savior?  Truly understanding your need for salvation is the essential starting point that begins your spiritual journey.  You must recognize, understand and believe in your need for a Savior. You can't just say a prayer and think you're good to go! 




Salvation and the grace of God are both free gifts, but they were not cheap!  The American church has made what Christ accomplished on the cross a cheap grace.  It is true that salvation is a free gift and it is as simple as actually believing or having faith in what Christ accomplished upon that cross!  But the mistake many churches make today is that they don't fully explain why you need a Savior, and if you don't understand your need for a Savior, you will take the cross for granted. You must understand why it is so important that you "get it"! 






You will want to follow Him as King. You will never view His amazing grace as a license to continue in your present lifestyle.  And most importantly, you won't fall away from the faith like so many people do!  It is only when you truly understand why Christ did what He did for you, that you should desire true salvation!  Then there will be no doubt in your mind or heart, and you will be more than willing to accept Him as your Savior and Lord. This will mean fully repenting for the sin of pride in thinking you could be saved in and of yourself, and fully repenting for the many sins in your life. WARNING:  Before you make a commitment to Christ, you must understand that you will be entering the biggest battle that has ever been known to man.  You will have to fight in this battle for the rest of your life!  You must be willing to sign up for the Army of God and fight!  The Kingdom of God has seen its share of people who have had no idea what they were signing up for, and they usually defect right back to the enemy's camp.  Our goal is that you know what you're signing up for.  Remember that I said, "You must count the cost of becoming a Christ Follower."  Before you even think about making a commitment to follow Christ, we recommend that you read The Salvation Experience.  You will either choose to be saved or choose to perish!  Reading it could save your life for eternity!

True salvation is an acknowledgement and an understanding of your need for a Savior. 

It's an acknowledgment that you are a sinner and have no way of redeeming yourself from your sin. 

It is understanding that someone greater than you has paid the price to redeem you, but why? 

You must be willing to count the cost of being a Christ follower.

When you really understand the depth of His amazing love for you,

you want to make Him Lord over your life.

A Church Plant of 




We trust you’ll find Sequoia Worship Center to be a place you can call home!

35576 Tule River Drive., Springville, CA  93265

(559) 429-0807

Sequoia Worship Center © 2025

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