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Our Mission - Our Vision



An empowered and passionate move of God

to accomplish His purpose in our community!


Imagine a repentant, surrendered and transformed people who are passionately in love with their God.  They are mesmerized by the idea that this is not about them, but all about HIM.  They have said to themselves, "Could it be that God possibly thinks the church should be about Him and not about us?  Lord, we repent!"  These people are transfixed by His presence, His glory and His heart for the lost of their city.  They refuse to go unless His presence goes before them. "Then Moses said to Him, "If Your presence does not go with us, do not lead us up from here."( Exodus 33:15)  

They are worshippers with worn-out knees, warriors who are not afraid to do battle in the heavenly realms for the souls of men.  They are fire starters, flame throwers, hope peddlers, grace givers, and seed throwers. They have been touched by the heart of their God. They are young and old alike. 

It's been confirmed!  Each week since June of 2012, we have met together for intimate worship, prayer and repentance over their homes, churches, community, and nation.  They now know who they are in their God, and even more importantly, who God is in them.  They know what they have been sent to do!  They are sent to empower the poor, strengthen the weak, embrace the outcast, seek the lost and IGNITE REVIVAL in the hearts of men and women.  They are called to heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons.  Freely they have received; freely they give.  

They worship together, pray together, fast together, repent together and serve God together.  They are in hot pursuit of God's presence, knowing He won't relent until He has all of them.  Their cities will change because God has called them unto Himself to worship Him and Him only. They are us!   

We believe that repentance, prayer, fasting, radical worship and obedience may seem to some as small things done, but it has been huge for us and we have seen our Lord and Savior work miracles in our community.  As His great love and power work through us, we will IGNITE the world for Jesus.  "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind" (2 Timothy 1:7.)  This is how we will IGNITE a nation for God!

Our vision is simple yet powerful.  "But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth”(John 4: 23-24).  

There is one necessary and vital step we feel is the key to real revival. That key is intimate worship!  This kind of intimate worship brings a deep longing to be in the presence of an almighty God, which opens the door to deep repentance and deep intercession. Revival must be birthed in intimate worship, warfare worship, and radical worship!  This repentance, this worship, this kind of intercessory prayer offered to a holy God will change the atmosphere of any situation, no matter how bad it may look in the physical realm.  We are convinced that this is the place where the battle is fought and won!  

We believe that Jesus is reviving hearts, homes, churches, communities, and nations for the equipping of the saints for these end times.  He is calling His bride to wake up from her slumber and fill her empty oil jars.  His beloved bride is on the verge of one of the greatest harvests in human history if she will only awake!




  • Is to awaken, disciple, train and release an end-time army of powerful spirit-led, joy-filled, cross-bearing, obedient warriors who are followers of Jesus and who will worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. 


  • Is to equip and train the Body of Christ to walk in authentic supernatural Christianity. 


  • Is to teach them to live everyday life by hearing the intimate voice of God and being led by His Word and His Spirit.


  • Is to teach them to advance the ministry of Jesus Christ through discipleship and by bringing the Kingdom of Heaven to earth with signs, wonders, and miracles.


  • Unto this end we will labor for our God: that the lost would be saved, the saved would be revived, and that they both would be filled with the baptism of the Holy Spirit and be set on fire to change a home, church, city, region and nation.


  • We will disciple and train them in the balance of the Word and the Spirit to be militant in multiplying the Kingdom of God through discipleship in these last days. 


  • Is to release, in the natural and spiritual realms, a remnant of people recklessly abandoned in their love for a holy and righteous God. 





This kind of love reaches into the darkest of dark places and has the power to break every stronghold, strongman, principality, power, and ruler in the heavenly realms. We believe this kind of love for their God and King will transform the spirit and soul of any man or woman who has been bound by the enemy. The sleepy believer and the lost alike will defect from serving in the kingdom of darkness to serving in the kingdom of light.  We will raise up an end-time army that is effective in battle!  They will know their King, know His Word, know His Spirit, know His voice and know how to fight!  They will stand firm against the attacks of the enemy. They will not give up!  They will be sent to the front lines with courage, the knowledge of God’s Word and the power of the Holy Spirit. There will be no backing down. They will no longer be just defensive but will be operating in the offensive also.






Jeremy and Lindzee Creech, 

Senior Pastors of Sequoia Worship Center

Greg and Connie Stoffel,

Senior Founding Apostolic Pastors

Ignite Revival Ministries and Sequoia Worship Center



It is only this kind of love in the life of a believer

that will destroy the works of the enemy and will set the captives free. 

Our mission is to raise up, disciple, and release an end time church

that is so full of the power of God that nothing will be able to move them!

 Our Vision:

 Our Mission:

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